Meet Our Cofounders, Stephen & Dante!

Stephen Mattia

Stephen has a degree in International Business, Finance and has completed extensive coursework in science through the University of New England. After many years of continuous health issues, in 2019 Stephen was diagnosed with Celiac Disease, an autoimmune disease severely affecting the small intestine. Following his diagnosis, Stephen realized the impact diet, exercise and lifestyle have on disease. With his friend and business partner Dante, Stephen desires to offer clean, effective and affordable supplements with one goal in mind – helping people take back their health and feel renewed. Through Renewed Health, Stephen hopes to positively impact the lives of many who face health challenges of their own, or who want to support their current healthy lifestyles. Stephen plans on obtaining his Master of Science in Nutrition. His goal is to become a clinical nutritionist and to one day start a health clinic of his own.

Dante DiCamillo

Dante is a serial entrepreneur and creator. He currently owns three businesses, in addition to being a partner of Renewed Health. Dante started his first business, a landscaping company, when he was 14 years old. Around the same time, he was diagnosed with chronic Lyme disease. This somewhat mysterious autoimmune disease had many health impacts which included arthritis, nerve damage and digestion issues. These drawbacks drove him to pursue a healthier lifestyle through fitness and various natural remedies. Dante wanted to find a way to keep moving forward and share that knowledge with others. Dante and Stephen decided to create Renewed Health as a catalyst for healthier living. Their desire is to help others feel renewed and take back their health.

Our Mission

Health issues are challenging. Healthy living can be confusing. We know because we've been there. That's why our mission is simple – To provide high-quality, research focused supplements that restore your health, support your lifestyle and help you feel renewed.

/re’n(y)ōōd/: Having been restored, revived or made like new. 

To us, the word renewed represents a transformation—returning to what you once were, but now revitalized and made new again. Restore your health, revive your life and be RENEWED.