Finding My Passion for Health and Nutrition Through Celiac Disease

Have you ever found yourself at the crossroads of despair and hope, dealing with an overwhelming challenge, but deep down you knew it would lead to a necessary and positive life-change?

When facing challenges, we often discover hidden strengths or passions. With challenge comes personal growth, which leads us toward new paths and passions we wouldn’t have found without going through those hard times.

This is how I became passionate about nutrition and healthy living.

In 2019, I was diagnosed with Celiac Disease, a chronic autoimmune disorder that affects the small intestines. This disease takes place in individuals who are genetically predisposed – which basically means they have a higher likelihood or susceptibility to develop this condition – and it’s triggered by the consumption of gluten, a protein found in wheat, barley and rye.

When a person with Celiac Disease ingests gluten, their immune system responds by attacking the lining of the small intestine, causing inflammation and damage to the intestinal wall. Because of this, their body is unable to absorb essential vitamins and minerals for proper bodily function, causing serious nutrient deprivation.

For years, I unknowingly lived with Celiac Disease and endured various skin disorders like skin redness, acne-like facial marks, staph infections, constant stomach pain and irritable bowels, brain fog, weakness and fatigue. I was dealing with some of these conditions daily, and sometimes even dealing with multiple conditions at one time.

I didn’t feel like myself and was tired of being sick all the time, so I decided it was time to see a medical professional…. little did I know this would begin my long, discouraging process of being misdiagnosed by doctor after doctor.

After seeing over ten doctors in three years, I was finally accurately diagnosed by a Clinical Nutritionist and Chiropractor - Dr. Anthony Ferro, at Advanced Health Solutions in West Chester, PA. Dr. Ferro was determined to discover the underlying cause of my symptoms rather than resorting to prescription drugs as a band-aid solution like the previous doctors I saw.

After Dr. Ferro diagnosed me with Celiac Disease, I realized the huge impact diet, exercise and lifestyle have on disease. Part of my personal lifestyle change was taking multiple high-quality supplements daily that were recommended by Dr. Ferro. By proper supplementation, my body was able to heal much quicker than it would have without taking supplements.

Through this challenging season of life, I not only realized how crucial healthy living is, but I realized I wanted to share my experience and knowledge to help others.

Last year, I launched a clean, effective and affordable supplement company – Renewed Health – with the goal of helping others take back their health so that they feel renewed. I hope to make a positive impact in the lives of those who face health challenges like me, and those who have a desire to take back their health and live a healthy lifestyle.

To me, the idea of becoming renewed signifies that you were something previously but have now become like new. I once was extremely sick due to an undiagnosed disease, but through proper diagnosis, education, lifestyle and nutritional changes, my body is now renewed.